9 Heart Pumping Beginner Friendly CrossFit Workouts

Who doesn’t want to have a fit and flexible body? CrossFit workouts may sound like a difficult mode of exercising but actually, CrossFit workouts can work for anyone. This high-intensity workout regime of persistently varying functional movements has swept the world and is a fitness trend that is here to stay. It has become popular because it is scalable to every individual’s fitness ability. Wherever you are on your fitness scale CrossFit workouts can prove to be very beneficial. If you are new at it, here are 10 heart pumping beginners friendly CrossFit workouts for you to try.


CrossFit Workouts-Push ups (www.speedindurance.com)
CrossFit Workouts-Push Ups (www.speedindurance.com)

Pushups are full body functional movements that are excellent for increasing your strength also benefits the core and your lower body. It is a bodyweight exercise. It can be done in tons of variations to make it less monotonous and boring.

 How to do it

  • First of all, lie down on your stomach on a flat surface.
  • Now place your hands firmly on the ground right under your shoulders.
  • Press your toes into the floor and stabilize your lower half.
  • Flex your knees and tighten your abs
  • Keep your back flat
  • Raise your body up by putting pressure on your hands.
  • Your body weight should be supported by your hands and head and heel should be in the same line.
  • Now bring your body down towards the surface. Repeat the process.

A push up is a difficult exercise so as a beginner you are not able to do more than 10 reps in a go

2.Ring Rows

CrossFit Workouts- Ring Rows
CrossFit Workouts- Ring Rows

The ring row exercise is a relatively easy ring training exercise designed for beginners.  It targets the upper back muscles and the arms. It is also known to increase flexibility and stamina. You’ll need hanging rings to perform this exercise.

How to do it

  • The rings should be set at an appropriate height
  • Grip the rings, and keep leaning backward till your arms are straight.
  • Keep your body straight
  • Now pull your body at the rings’ direction till your chest is touching the rings. And pause for a second or two in this position.
  • Now lower your body.
  • That’s one full repetition.

3. Squats

CrossFit Workouts-Squats (www.newhealthadvisor.com)
CrossFit Workouts-Squats (www.newhealthadvisor.com)

A Squat is technically a compound and full body exercise. Squats come in different variations and vary in intensity and focus on hips and thighs. It also improves coordination and balance. Some of the common squats are goblet squats, back squats, and front squat.

How to do it

  • Stand up straight with your hip width apart and feet apart directly under your hips.
  • Your hands should be stretched in front of you parallel to the ground.
  • Now break from your hip and lower down.
  • Keep your back straight.
  • The position should look like you’re sitting on an invisible chair.
  • Stand back slowly and repeat the steps. 


CrossFit Workouts-Burpees (www.joshuaspodek.com)
CrossFit Workouts-Burpees (www.joshuaspodek.com)

I’m not going to sugarcoat it, a Burpee is really intense. It will consume a lot of your energy but it will help you like none of the other CrossFit workouts. It is one of the most effective, challenging and fat burner exercises.

How to do it

  • Stand with your body straight and feet shoulder width apart. Keep your weight in your heels and keep your arms on your sides.
  • Now lower yourself into a squat position.
  • Put your hands on the floor and kick back your legs so that you’re in the push-up
  • Do the pushup and jump back into standing position.

5. Box Jumps

CrossFit Workout- Box Jumps (www.muscleandfitness.com)
CrossFit Workout- Box Jumps (www.muscleandfitness.com)

This is one of Jason Khalifa’s favorite CrossFit workouts. It will increase the flexibility of hip muscles and will make it stronger. It builds explosive power and makes you athletic. It’s also a great fat burning exercise. To do this exercise, you’ll need a stable box that is able to take your weight.

 How to do it

  • Stand keeping your body straight, toes should be pointing slightly outwards.
  • Now get down into a squat position and jump up.
  • You should be landing on the box in standing or squatting position.
  • Get down from the box and repeat.

6. Wall Balls

CrossFit Workouts-Wall Balls (www.physiodetective.com)
CrossFit Workouts-Wall Balls (www.physiodetective.com)

This is one of the easiest CrossFit workouts. It is also fun and effective. It can be intense as well but if you’re a beginner do not start with very intense wall balls exercise. If you’re good at doing squats, you can move onto wall balls.

How to do it

  • Grab a medicine ball. The weight of the balls varies from 6-20 pounds. Pick the correct ball to avoid injury.
  • Stand straight, with shoulder width apart and hold the ball at the chest.
  • Now keeping the ball at your chest go down in squatting position.
  • Once you reach the full squat position, jump back in a standing position and throw the ball up on the wall.
  • Catch the ball and repeat the steps.

7.Toes to Bar

CrossFit Workouts-Toes to Bar (www.crossfitsebring.com)
CrossFit Workouts-Toes to Bar (www.crossfitsebring.com)

This exercise will make your immune system stronger and will give your muscles more strength. You’ll need nothing but a bar to perform this.

How to do it

  • Hold the bar tightly placing your hands a little wider than your shoulder length.
  • Now you have to squeeze your abdominal muscles.
  • Swing your legs up together till they touch the bar.
  • Wait for a couple of seconds and drop your legs to the previous

You must work on your grip and your body balance before indulging in this great CrossFit exercise. This is a great way of working on your abdominal muscles.

8.Kettlebell Swings

CrossFit Workouts- Kettle Bell Swings (www.bellcitycrossfits.com)
CrossFit Workouts- Kettle Bell Swings (www.bellcitycrossfits.com)

Kettlebell swings are extremely effective if your objective is to build full body strength, balance, and power. It also helps you improve your cardiovascular stamina

How to do it

  • Stand with your hip and feet wide apart.
  • Your chest should be up and shoulders back and down.
  • Start by bending your knees and push your hip muscle outwards in a squatting position.
  • Push your shoulder blades back and keep your head straight.
  • Now you’ve to hold the kettlebell with both of your hands with palms facing you and place it between the knees, behind the heels.
  • Now swing the kettlebell. While you swing it, your body position should change into a standing At this point, your arms should be stretched; hip muscles and your abs should be tight.
  • Repeat

Start practicing a kettlebell exercise with a lighter kettlebell and eventually increase the weight depending upon the strength you are building.


CrossFit Workouts-Lunges (www.womenhealthmag.com)
CrossFit Workouts-Lunges (www.womenhealthmag.com)

Lunges are a great exercise for sculpting, strengthening, and building several muscle groups. It is very effective for thighs, buttocks and the hamstrings. A small lunge is usually effective for the thighs and the long lunge emphasizes on the buttocks. The effect of this quintessential exercise can be seen in no time. Lunges can have variations like walking forward lunges, side lunges, reverse lunges etc.

How to do it

  • Straighten your upper body, your back and shoulders should be relaxed and chin up.
  • Engage your core
  • Step forward with just one leg. Lower your hips till both knees are bent at about a 90-degree angle
  • Ensure that your front knee is directly above your ankle and not pushed our further than required.
  • When you push back up to the starting position ensure that you keep the weight on your heels.


  1. Excellent exercises !! burpees are a killer… I have a love-hate relationship with them 🙂

    • Yes, Rajlakshmi burpees are a killer but very very effective. I kind of hate the person who invented it in the first place…LOL

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